5 Amazing features make Uzeli the best barbershop Loyalty software
The Uzeli software is the perfect solution for any barbershop looking to upgrade their current systems. We have a customizable loyalty rewards program that your customers will absolutely love! Our referral system offers, tracks and rewards point to customers with automated referral campaigns.
schedule a zoom call today!What is a Barbershop Loyalty Program?
Barbershop Loyalty Program is a reward program offered by a Barbershop to its clients for their loyalty towards the company.
Clients showcase loyalty towards a barbershop by availing services frequently as well as recommending the service to their friends and family. In return, the barbershop provides free merchandise, Gift coupons, cashback and more to their clients.
This sounds like a perfect plan until it comes time to track and maintain the program. Without a proper system, this can be a depreciating experience for your customer and staff.
Uzeli is the perfect solution for any barbershop looking to offer a loyalty program to their clientele. Our rewards and referral systems offer, track and award points generated by referrals in automated campaigns.
Offer Precisely Targeted Paperless Rewards Options
Here are some ways barbershop can offer loyalty to their customers:
- Activate past customers
- Rewarding your clients and keeping them engaged
- Rewarding your clients for referring a customer
- Custom designed giftcards
- No cost all-in-one gift card software

Activate past customers
A loyal customer who has not visited the shop for a couple of months might need to be rewarded with a coupon. This way they know you care about them.
With the Uzeli Barbershop Loyalty program, barbershops can send a customized message with gift cards/discount coupons to clients based on last visit duration.
You can send targeted, personalized messages that will encourage them to come back and visit or buy new services for themselves and their family.
Rewarding Your Clients and Keeping them Engaged
Engage your loyal customers and reward them for their loyalty to your brand. Rewarding them based on their engagement helps keep them connected with your brand and make them feel rewarded.
Uzeli works to keep customers updated about promotions and the barbershop has top-of-mind when it’s time for a haircut, shaving or other services.
Various ways you can engage your clients are :
- A special Birthday or anniversary discount and complementary item from the service.
- A Gift coupon on every 10-20 visits.
- Certain discounts on a purchase of service worth more than a certain value.
- Offer combined package pricing for two or more services.

Utilise Push SMS service included with Uzeli to send the offers directly to the clients.
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Rewarding Your Clients for Referring a customer
Offer referral points to their clients for every new customer they refer.
Uzeli's loyalty program can be used to reward the customer with a referral coupon whenever they refer another client. This way your clients will feel engaged and rewarded for helping you spread the word about your barbershop.
Custom Designed Giftcards
Uzeli also allows you to create your own gift cards that may be used in your barbershop. This will give you a competitive advantage over other businesses, as well as demonstrate to your consumers how much you appreciate their patronage. Uzeli offers gift cards that can be customized with the name and logo of your barbershop.
You can even choose to print them out or send them electronically to your customers!

No Cost All-In-One Gift Card Software
Uzeli offers a gift card solution that is perfect for your business. Our software allows you to generate track and redemptions of your gift cards at no additional cost to you. This means that you can keep track of who has been gifted a card, as well as how much money has been spent on the cards.