Uzeli - #1 Spa Software with Loyalty Program

Looking for the best spa software on the market? Look no further than Uzeli! Uzeli is perfect for Spas looking to take their business to new heights with its loyalty program and customizable features.

There are several options for using Gift Cards at your spa. Experiment with how Gift Cards may help you expand your business.Schedule a demo today to discover how Uzeli can assist your spa company to grow.

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Uzeli - #1 Spa Software with Loyalty Program

What Is a Loyalty Program and How Does It Work?

What is a loyalty program?

What is a loyalty program?

A loyalty program is a way for a spa to give its customers rewards for their continued support. A loyalty program is a great way to encourage clients to come back to your spa on a regular basis. By offering rewards for loyalty, you can ensure that clients will want to keep coming back in order to take advantage of the benefits they receive.

Additionally, a loyalty program can also help you to upsell your services, as clients will be more likely to book additional treatments if they know they'll receive something in return.

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What Sets Uzeli Apart from Other Spa Software Systems?

Uzeli is the Spa software that offers a loyalty program as part of its package. This means that, with Uzeli, you can easily start rewarding your best clients for their loyalty, without having to set up a separate loyalty program yourself. Additionally, Uzeli makes it easy to track your clients' progress and ensure that they're always getting the best possible experience.

Uzeli is also designed to be highly customizable, so you can easily make it work for your specific business needs. Whether you want to offer discounts, package deals, or something else entirely, Uzeli can be adapted to suit your business.

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What Sets Uzeli Apart from Other Spa Software Systems?
The comprehensive Gift Card management system

The comprehensive Gift Card management system

Uzeli offers the most comprehensive Gift Card management system on the market. The Gift Card module in Uzeli Spa software allows you to

  • Create Gift Cards in any denomination.
  • Set expiration dates and usage limits.
  • Redeem Gift Cards online or in-store.
  • Manage Gift Card balances and transactions.
  • Create Gift Cards with custom designs and messages.
  • Redeem Gift Cards for services or products at your Spa.

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What are some tips for using Gift Cards?

There are several options for using Gift Cards at your spa. Experiment with how Gift Cards may help you expand your business. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your Gift Cards

  • Use Gift Cards as an incentive to make more appointments.
  • Make your own designs for the cards. Add your spa's branding or a personal touch with a custom design.
  • Use gift cards as a marketing tool. Give clients who have referred new customers to your spa gift cards.
  • Use the gift card to re-activate dormant clients. Gift cards are an excellent method to get consumers back into your spa who have gone elsewhere.
  • Make a VIP Client's Customized Card. Show your top clients how much they mean to you with a gift card that offers a discount on their next visit or a free service.
  • Create gorgeous theme cards for Gift Card campaigns throughout the holidays.

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What are some tips for using Gift Cards?

“ Before switching to Uzeli, I used to get almost 50 calls a day from other franchisee staff asking for help with Mindbody issues. And every time we called them for help, it felt like calling Verizon for help, we would get 500 different people to help. That's the straw that broke the camel's back.”

Sean Donovan, Justin's Barbershop

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